Sunday 29 September 2013

Homemade Exfoliating Facial Scrub

I am really into making my own products these days.

The more you read out there about all the chemicals that are in all the products we use on a daily basis makes you rethink what you are putting on your skin, after all your skin is your largest organ - what you put on it is what is absorbed into your body.

So, when we read label on all of our food in order to make healthier choices and all the efforts we make to eat cleaner, it only makes sense to also re-look at our beauty products.

After doing a little bit of research on the Internet, I came up with my own pure homemade exfoliating facial scrub.  Give it a try I think you will really like it as much as I do.

Homemade Exfoliating Facial Scrub

.25 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon virgin coconut oil
1 teaspoon water
10 drops of Patchouli oil
10 drops of Geranium oil
10 drops of Frankincense oil

Put all the above together in a glass dish mix very well.  Make sure that the water, oil and essential oils are all distributed evenly throughout the baking soda.

The mixture should be slightly moist and crumbly.

Put is a jar and keep in the shower.

To Use:

Take a small amount in the palm of your hand.  If you are doing this in the shower (recommended) you do not need to add any additional water, as the water on your hands will be enough.

Rub your hands together an GENTLY massage your face, neck and chest.  Rinse.

The Breakdown Of Ingredients

Baking Soda - is cleansing, helps regulate ph and exfoliates very gently (as long as you do not scrub!).  This is safe to use every day and it will make your skin very soft.

Virgin Coconut Oil - is a legitimate superfood and has many health benefits.  It is a medium chain fatty acid and supports the immune system by helping ward off viruses, bacteria and fungal overgrowth.  Also supports the thyroid glad, nervous system and skin.  It is antibacterial anti-fungal, antiviral making it great for your skin and hair.  Can be used both topically and internally.  Aids in weight loss by increasing metabolism, provides long lasting energy, regulates and supports healthy hormone production, are just a few of the benefits of this superfood.

Frankincense - The therapeutic properties include use as an antiseptic, astringent,  digestive, diuretic, sedative, tonic and expectorant. Frankincense is said to help rejuvenate the aging skin, and is effective with bacterial and fungal infections. The anti-inflammatory property of this oil is reputed to be an effective treatment for joint pain and arthritis. Frankincense can also be used as an insect repellent and is also widely used in cosmetics and soap manufacturing. It has a grounding aroma, and often used in meditation. The scent of Frankincense is stimulating, helps in overcoming stress and despair, elevating the mind, and is also believed to encourage a meditative state, bringing balance and peace to individuals

Patchouli -  is recognized by aromatherapists as being effective for combating nervous disorders, helping with dandruff, sores, skin irritations, chapped skin, fatigue, hair care, mature skin and acne.  Uses:  diuretic properties, helpful for water retention, cellulite, constipation and overweight, deodorizing action, helps with when feeling hot and bothered, helps cool down inflammation and assists with wound healing, scars and sores, relief from acne, eczema and scalp disorders, helps with re-growth of skin cells and scar tissue, helps with stress related conditions and anxiety and helps in cases of substance addictions.  The specific properties include use as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-emetic, antimicrobial, antiphlogistic (reducing inflammation or fever), antiseptic, anti toxic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative (expels gas from the stomach or intestines),  digestive,  febrifuge (reduces fever), fungicidal, nerving, prophylactic, stimulating and tonic agent.

Geranium - plant properties are anti-inflammatory, antitumoral (prevents to formation of malignant tumors; anticancer), antibacterial, anti-fungal, antispasmodic, antiseptic, astringent, antidepressant, sedative, homeostatic (stops bleeding), diuretic, liver and pancreas stimulant, detoxification, dilates bile ducts for liver detoxification, insect repellent. Geranium is used for hepatitis and fatty liver, fungal infections (ringworm), circulatory problems, diabetes, skin conditions (acne, cleanses oily skin, revitalizes skin cells, psoriasis, hair, eczema, itchy skin), viral (herpes, shingles), gallbladder, hormone balancing, menstrual problems (PMS, cramps and minimizing heavy flow), digestion, and insomnia.

Now that's Creative!


  1. Scrub, spa, massage and yoga are the best ways to keep your skin glow and beautiful.

    Aaron |
    Float Tank Massage
