Thursday 2 August 2012


So, my husband decides he is going to start jogging and that I need to as well.  I am not a fan of jogging but if he is willing to give it a go then so am I.  Our goal is to be doing a 5k jog at the end of 8 weeks.

He found an app on the iPhone called "Run 5K".

It is a really simple program, but effective.  It guides you over a 8 week period on how to increase your endurance and by the end of the 8 weeks you are able to jog for 5 km without stopping or walking.

Basically you do the program 3 times per week, starts with a warm up, then tells you when to walk and when to jog and ends with a cool down.

You switch between walking and jogging and each week you increase the jogging portion and decrease the walking portion until you are jogging the whole time.

Sounds easy right?  So, I have started week one days 1 and so far so good.  I will keep you posted on our progress.

Anyone want to join us?

Now that's Creative!

Happy Jogging!

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