Friday 25 November 2011

Pecan Toffee

Ok, is it to early to start our Christmas baking?  Well, I don't think it really matters because I am sure this will not last til then -- it is sooooooooo good!!!

I love trying new recipes and thought this one looked really good and would be great to package up for Christmas, so I gave it a go.

Start off by making the toffee.

I did not have a candy thermometer, so I was just hoping it would turn out.

Next I prepared the pan.

Reserved half of the pecans for the topping and chopped up all the chocolate (minus a few pieces that I enjoyed).

Once the toffee was done I poured it over the pecans in the pan, then sprinkled the chocolate pieces over it followed by the rest of the pecans.  Due to the high temperature of the toffee the chocolate melts nicely.

Once hardens break into pieces and enjoy!

I brought a batch to work (I use them as my testers for many things) and they all just loved it.  Then to my husband for the final test - he is a real chocolate and sweets lover and if he likes it, it's a keeper........well, he asked for second!!!

So, I will be making a few more batches before Christmas for sure, as this one is nearly gone.

Pecan Toffee

  • Ingredients

    1 1/2 cups
     chopped pecans, divided
  • 1 cup sugar 
  • 1 cup butter, softened 
  • 1/3 cup water
  • (1.55-ounce) milk chocolate bars, broken into small pieces 


  1. Line a 15- x 10-inch jellyroll pan with heavy-duty aluminum foil; lightly grease foil. Sprinkle with 1 cup pecans to within 1 inch of edges.
  2. Bring sugar, butter, and 1/3 cup water to a boil in a heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly, 12 minutes or until a candy thermometer registers 310° (hard crack stage). Pour over pecans; sprinkle with chocolate pieces. Let stand 30 seconds.
  3. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup pecans. Chill 30 minutes. Break up toffee using a mallet or rolling pin. Store in an airtight container.
You can go here for the complete recipe :

Now that's Creative!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Wall Decal 2 - Tree

Now that the Big Ben Clock wall decal worked out so good, I have been dieing to put up the tree we got for the kithen.  So last night we tackled it and I have to say is looks amazing! 

I have to say I was not sure of the colour when we were ordering it, but it is very close to the colour of the other walls in the kitchen and it really makes a statement.  Let me know what you all think.


 And After............

Thursday 3 November 2011

Wall Decal - Big Ben Clock

Ok I am still is decorating mode and I have completely become obssessed with vinyl wall decals, boy I will have to be careful not to go overboard. 

We ordered two, one for the kitchen wall of a tree and the other of Big Ben Clock for the top of the stairway. 

Ooooh I am so excited to get them up.

Here it is in all it's glory........never done this before, really hope it works out.

Step two.  Careful peeling off the coating..............Wow, it is really looking good.

Step 3 - Presto!  Completed and looks amazing!

Now to tackle the huge tree............keep posted to see the results.

Now that's Creative!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Decorating Bedroom

Hi, this is my first blog and my very first post.  I have been contemplating doing this for some time now, so this is a big first step for me.  Something else I have been contemplating for a long time – like 4 years – is decorating our bedroom.  And I am glad to say that I have now accomplished both! 

So, after changing my mind a thousand times on the exact shade of blue to go with, I finally settled on the all classic navy, with a total color scheme of navy, silver and white.

And here it is!! This is the fabric I have chosen.  I really do not think that the photo does it Justice as it is absolutely beautiful.  It is a navy blue silk with silver embroidered crests, with a matching navy, silver silk and white.

Next Came the paint.  We choose Deep Royal for the feature wall and Silver Screen for all the other walls.

Now for the hard part.......painting........and sewing........
Feature wall done!

Feature wall in Deep Royal

Window seat and pillows done!
Window seat and pillows - navy & silver
All seems to be going right alone until I started on the padded headboard.  First I was sold plastic buttons that did not work at all.  After covering ALL the buttons, and started putting them on the headboard, the string tore right through the button and popped off!  So back to the store for better button - recover all of them and then attach to headboard -- however, you would not believe what happened next -- the last box and the last button was defective!

Defective button

Padded headboard minus one
And I have a competed headboard minus one, off the the store again.
After a few days and some frustrating moments, we finally have our room redecorated - at least the bed.......
Drum roll please....................And here it is - tada!

Navy blue, silver & white room with platform bed and white padded headboard

There are still a few minor details that I am working on and will post as I complete them.

I decided to go with just white sheers on the two side windows - and WOW it really makes a difference!  Really warms up the room, I am very happy with the decision.

Now for the lighting..........I have been searching high and low for a chandalier, and I had finally found the perfect one.  However, the price was a little bit more than I wanted to spend so I just kept watching it hoping it would go on sale........and it did!!!  The price was reduced by 20% and they also had a customer appreciation sale of another additional 20% off -- even sales items............Just love it when you find the perfect item and you get such a fantasitic deal.  Check it out and let me know what you think.

As you can tell I am not a professional photographer by any means.  I hope as time goes on I will get better and taking photos, as these pictures really do not do the room justice.

Now that's Creative!